Good source of cash in Barra, if you can find it

mapMarkerGrey Good source of cash in Barra, if you can find it...

A Mini Version of the Melaque Favorite

mapMarkerGrey A Mini Version of the Melaque Favorite...

Get it while the getting is good

mapMarkerGrey Get it while the getting is good...

Getting you from A to B, for not as cheap as a bus

mapMarkerGrey Getting you from A to B, for not as cheap as a bus...

A great way to get from the lagoon to tacos

mapMarkerGrey A great way to get from the lagoon to tacos...

The church of the dizzy pork

mapMarkerGrey The church of the dizzy pork...

4 out of 5 buzzy, overly-full gringos prefer...

mapMarkerGrey 4 out of 5 buzzy, overly-full gringos prefer......

A Decadent Escape from the Toils of Cruising

mapMarkerGrey A Decadent Escape from the Toils of Cruising...

Your Peaceful Sleeping Oasis

mapMarkerGrey Your Peaceful Sleeping Oasis...

Barra Taxi Stand

Getting you from A to B, for not as cheap as a bus

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Looking to get to Melaque, Cuastacomates, the airport, or further? Grab a taxi from the small queue that is usually lined up here.
