Ah home…so much to love about going home to the U.S., and yet so much weirdness going on there that we feel somewhat relieved to be living in Mexico right now. What’s to love about visiting the U.S.? In a nutshell, family, family, family; great friends; snuggling with Hobie Cat (the pet we foisted upon my parents about 10 years ago); the wide variety of food options (especially Thai and Indian), and of course, Thanksgiving dinner and lefties; being able to watch Netflix and college hoops (Narcos and Michigan State Spartans, in particular); fast and reliable internet; and did I say family and great friends? I do have to say, however, that we missed laying our eyes on and giving hugs to a handful of folks with whom we just couldn’t manage to connect (e.g., Erin and Simon, Tom and Barb, Vicki and Dan, Mich, Gunther and family, Erin and Rob, etc…sheesh. Next time!).
What are we content to live without? Driving, parking, driving, and sitting in traffic; the 24-hour news cycle with “news” that detracts from what is really important (i.e., Trump vs. LaVar Ball – what?! Who gives a rat’s…?) instead of focusing on issues/legislation that’s being slipped through or buried without notice; hearing about more and more gun violence; hearing about conspiracy theories surrounding the man on the moon and the earth being round; the holiday shopping rush (I mean, geez, Christmas trees and decorations go up before the Thanksgiving turkey has even been carved!); and did I mention sitting in traffic?
All-in-all, we love going back to the U.S. I mean, when else do we get to peruse all the marine stores around Point Loma and spend a bunch of money on boat stuff that’s difficult to get in Mexico? We also got to experience three very different climates: SD/PS – shorts weather, yet cool, crisp mornings and evenings; TC – gray, gray, gray, rain, snow, and butt-COLD; and Taos – gorgeous, wide-open, blue skies above a vast sagebrush ocean and also butt-COLD! Good thing we store a bunch of clothes at my dad’s house; we were uber-prepared for whatever Mother Nature threw at us this trip!

ML in the middle 🙂
One thing we weren’t prepared for was for our BFF, Flea, to lose her sweet Mom, ML. It’s been a rough couple of years for us and some of our friends who have lost one or both parents; I guess we’re in that age class. ML was stricken with ALS two short years ago, but the actual diagnosis was slow in coming. Sadly, ML lost the battle a bit before Thanksgiving, but she was celebrated well by those near and dear to her, who will miss her terribly.
So, yes, going home is wonderful, but it sure makes it difficult to leave when the time comes. While we miss da boat a great deal when we’re gone, once we return, at least for me, it just reinforces the communication challenges and the distance between me and my peeps. I tend to worry more and think about and text everyone constantly for the first few weeks after leaving them. I’m sure I’m a pain their backsides, especially because most everyone is at work! Oops. Regardless, we love going home, but we love returning to Free Luff, too.
Enjoy the pics and the vids (the Michigan vid contains copyrighted music by The Clumsy Lovers, and I neglected to gain the appropriate permissions, so the music may not play. Sorry for that.). Thank you to all who contributed photos to this post!!
First stop – San Diego and Palm Springs, California
- Leaving Loreto – Islas Coronados
- HOME! and at the Soup Plantation
- BLAH with Lea and Stace
- Saying so-long to Monte as he departs for his 2-wk Mexico traverse
- Capt. Fishguts is jealous of Nobi’s catch
- Pop making meatloaf at Kiku
- Holy bottle-shop! South Bay Liquor’s got it goin’ on!
- No trip home is complete without a home-improvement project
- Día de los Muertos in Old Town, San Diego
- Enjoying the día with Jer and the Coulters
- Jer is a two-timer
- Panning for gems
- Of course
- Breaky with Mel at our fav, Franco’s
- Connecting with Freddy and his parents
- The Willie on Halloween, plus a good IPA
- The Willie and the monkey
- Yay Halloween!
- Jack’s entourage
- Matt turns the big 5-OH!
- Party time with Flea, Ayoola, and Kathleen
- Yay Matt!
- Awe…our Guide Baby
- Yes, that is a donut
- Dinner with the Sackett’s at Nobi’s
- Maggie is all in on the donuts, too
- How many smarty-pantses does it take to outsmart a Mac?
- A visit to Palm Springs with Tannika to see Vince and Flea
- And Peter and Ruby
- Hot-tubbin’ at the Resort
- Resort livin’
- More Resort livin’
- My favorite ex-boss, Pete
- Peter trying to work
- Ken and Kerry, too
- Ah, Pizza Port
- Reading Jack the best book ever
- A family that cooks bacon together, stays together
- Movie night with the gang
- The gang
- A stroll along the PB boardwalk
- Vannie enjoying the SD sun
- Last selfie with Vannie
- El Indio!
- Random re-connect with Kerry at the SD Airport on our way to Michigan
- Pop seeing Vannie off til the next time
One of the reasons we timed our trip to San Diego when we did was so we could be present at Uncle Nobi’s (one of my Mama’s little brothers) surprise 80th birthday party. It was an amazing event for an amazing man. Plus, it turned into a family reunion for both the Sato and Sawasaki sides of the family! Super duper fun!
- Creative design and execution by cousin Debbie and bestie Margie
- Calm before the storm
- Nobi’s favorite fishing boat
- Cousin Matt joins three Sawasaki sibs
- Pop feelin’ the love
- Nobi’s surprise
- Cousin Jon and Unc
- A rare photo of Pop with his brother, Taka, and his wife, Beverly (sitting in purple)
- The grub
- The room
- Big sister, Auntie Nech, serenades on the ukulele
- Luckily, there weren’t 80 candles on the cake
- Because everyone needs a cardboard cut-out of their younger self
- The Kiku/sushi clan
- The Matt Sato-side
- 🙂
- Jeff has been part of our family for more years than I can count
- Auntie Nech 🙂
- Selfie with Vanessa and Annie
- The first cousins on the Sato-side (missing a couple 🙁 )
- With the Auntie
- The Sato-extended-side
- The three remaining sibs (missing my Mama 🙁 )
- The Sawasaki-extended-side
- Because everyone needs to eat a donut now and then
- Issac and Yasu doing what they do best
- Jes on clean-up
Next stop – Traverse City, Michigan, for some Fraser Family fun!
- Layover in Chicago and yes, we got a burrito
- Don picked us up at midnight
- 22 degrees at 1 am
- The treat that greeted us upon our arrival at Don and Nancy’s
- Randy’s childhood home – gorgeous
- First morning in TC – brrrrrr
- TC Christmas came early
- I stole Rand’s present
- Morning at the Tobin Fraser’s
- Family hike around the neighborhood
- The hikers
- Michigan fall selfie
- Fraser fam inside where it’s warm
- A store named FLEA!
- Michele gets sworn in as a new TC City Commissioner
- Doing good work
- Howie and Rand are excited about Michele’s new position of power
- Out with the Howards
- And Michele and Howie
- Capt. Bud on his home-built boat
- Bud and Nancy – love these two
- Rand wrangling cats at the Jordan’s
- The sweetest
- Chad’s barn
- Out for a stroll at Clay Cliffs
- A chilly, but lovely view of Lake Michigan
- Awe…
- A quintessential Michigan haunt
- Throwback to Time Pilot and Pac Man
- The arcade room
- Rand after playing video games with Max and Chad
- A blurry selfie at the Jordan’s
- Family dinner with Gayzie at Red Ginger
- The only blue sky we say in the nine days we were in TC
- Ry visits us in TC
- In the elevator at The Park
- Howie staging a ride in this little contraption
- Ry and the RAV!
- Smack! Right in the kisser!
- Oh, Ry…
- Crusin’ the RAV on Bluff Rd
- Fun at Brew in TC
- Yay! We even laid our eyes on Heather for a few
- And actually won a raffle gift!
- Les Mis at Central!
- Wiley was Javert – and he was spectacular!
- Proud mom
- Proud grandpa
- Proud aunt and grandma
- Proud aunt
- Proud little brother and uncle
- Proud grandparents
- Wiley’s entourage (missing the Stychs and Don)
Third stop – Taos, New Mexico, for a little cuddlin’ with Hattie Jean!
- The Santa Fe Municipal Airport – teeny tiny
- Holy bottle-shop! Another score for Capt. Rand!
- Hattie Jean’s humble abode
- Getting acquainted with Hattie J
- Dinner at Nan’s with Adam, Molly, HJ, Sam, and Kate
- Ah, New Mexico
- Out for a morning walk around the neighborhood
- About to drop down into the Rio Grande gorge
- The mighty Rio Grande
- The mighty Harry
- Molly and HJ
- Jody and HJ
- Chilly day for a picnic, but who cares when you’re with these peeps
- HJ getting used to the guy with facial hair
- Avoiding eye contact
- Enjoying a little bath
- Ah, Taos
- The Plaza
- Wandering the streets
- Hmmm…is this right?
- Hike along the top of the gorge
- Working on the selfie
- A content HJ
- We had to go to Taos to see Molly’s sister, Mariah, who lives in San Diego
- Selfie on the gorge
- Sunset hikers
- Serenity now
- A little feeding break
- Mariah contemplating the gorge
- Rand super excited for good NM beer
- Awwwe!
- Sam, double-fisted
- Teamwork
- Reconnect with Kevin (left), Patrick, and Cheri (Kev’s wifey-poo) after many, many years
Last stop – Back in San Diego for Thanksgiving holiday festivities!
- Back in SD and at Pizza Nova
- Thanksgiving at Jer and Mary’s
- Pala Casino to scratch the itch
- Caleb selfie
- Rand watching how it’s done
- Jody demonstrating poor form
- Nice
- Nicer
- 🙂
- Lunch with Mel after the driving range
- Birthday dinner for Pop at The Old Spag Factory, finally
- The dinner crew
- FaceTime – even Hobie Cat got involved
We loved loved loved visiting you guys! We just wish you weren’t in the NEW Mexico because then we’d see you more often. We’ll keep up with Hattie J on IG! Love you guys a ton!!
Yeah. A real good stack of photos. If it were 20 years ago you could have filled a shoe box from that one trip. (Sketchers probably)
Good work!
I took a lot of photos because I couldn’t engage in any conversations – I had laryngitis almost the whole time in MI! Ha! It was wonderful to SEE you, Ry. Hope it happens again very soon.
You guys really put in the effort on the blog—it’s unbelievably cool to see what we just saw—we cannot miss you next time we are in close proximity! If we were where I wouldn’t mind being right now, (like Mexico, duh) I’d row over and give you congratulatory hugs for being such great cameraographers and communicators. We miss you!
Hola! We will NOT miss each other next time we’re in close proximity! We are so sad we couldn’t connect. Glad you enjoyed the pics – it’s always a lot of fun making people smile against their will. Haha!! Love you guys!
Looks like a great time. Love all the pics!
It was wonderful despite missing some people and both of us getting sicky. Had to get our fill since we’re spending the upcoming holidays in La Paz. Hope you two are well!
Great post and fantastic pics! Thank you so much for visiting and can’t wait to visit you! P.S. We new New Mexicans now notice and despise all the traffic too 🙂