Well, we went to California and Alaska, anyway. And, It. Was. COLD. Cold for our thin, Mexican blood. We did see 90-degrees (F) in Los Altos at the beginning of July, but a lot of the time in Anchorage we were in pants, hoodies, and socks (and mosquito repellent). It was poor preparation for Thailand (except for the mosquito repellent), where it will be hot and rainy and sticky and buggy. But all of this is beside the point. The point is, we’ve had an absolute blast in the month leading up to our month in Thailand, but we’re woefully behind on blogging. So, this post, similar to several others before it, will be quick and dirty and flooded with photos (the vids will have to come later in a separate post).
Here goes: As previously posted, we left our floating home in La Paz and headed to San Diego for a few days, where we spent most of our time preparing for travel to Alaska, San Francisco, and Thailand by going shopping at REI and getting immunizations (ouch) for various tropical diseases. In SD, we did manage to squeeze in a few visits with new friends and folks we’d missed during our last couple of trips home. Of course, we still have others to see on the back end of the trip. Mostly, we ate lots of food.
- First din din with Pop and Jer at Soupy
- A day with the crew of S/V Adventurer
Balboa Park
- Meeting up with new friends we met in Mexico, but live in SD – Eddie and Guinevere
- Happy Grandpa
- Kurt!
- Pizza Port with the Sacketts
- Monte!
- Noms with some of our favs, Erin, Mariah, and Simon
- And Lily
- Brekky at Franco’s with Nobisan and Mel – YUM!
One of the main reasons we went north (at the beginning of tropical storm season, no less) was to go to Anchorage for Annie and Vanessa’s wedding reception, scheduled for June 16. This was the culmination of their various marriage celebrations, which began in February at a courthouse in their hometown, followed by a beautiful ceremony in March on a beach in Mexico, then, finally, a big party at the Writer’s Block Bookstore in Anchorage, with music by Annie’s favorite local band, the Hope Social Club. It was a fabulous time, especially since Jerry, Courtney, Spencer, Leanne, and Stacy all made the trip. Here are just a few photos from the party (click here to see the complete wedding album on my FB page) – enjoy!
- Guest “book”
- Dance
- Dance
- Dance
- Dance
- Dance
- Hope Social Club with the brides
- Annie’s crush
- Family
- The reception loot
On the days (about 14 of ’em) surrounding party day, A LOT of fun stuff happened. For example, Pride Day; strolling on the Coastal Trail; day trips to Whittier and the Begich, Boggs Visitor Center on Portage Lake; Hatcher Pass, Girdwood, and Eklutna Lake; outings to the Anchorage Museum and Live After Five; watching a friend’s cute 6-yr-old kid play soccer and watching the more physical, but often less mature, FIFA World Cup; a glorious side-trip to Denali State Park and the NP visitor center; lots of hiking despite the rain and mosquitoes; and finally, packrafting down the Portage River despite the wind and rain. Of course, there were trips to Double Shovel, King Street, Palmer City Alehouse, 49th State, Glacier Brewhouse, Denali Brewing Company, and other lovely eating establishments. Yes, a lot of beer was ingested and a lot of food was eaten (and pounds gained). How’s that for a summation of two weeks in June? Now for the photos. Good luck getting through them!
- On da plane to ANC
- Snow City for the first of many group noms
- First of many group walks – this on the Coastal Trail
- Selfie at the cider house on a rainy day
- Selfie at Pride!
- Beluga Point overlook on the Turnagain Arm
- Can’t tell here, but it was blowing about 25 kts
- Annie and Bruno
- Tunnel entry to Whittier
- Tunnel time
- A gloomy day in Whittier
- Rand’s got big…
- Bruno and his entourage
- The Whittier marina
- A stop by one of the raging rivers in Whittier for some droning
- Spencer (drone capt.) and other loverlies
- Ummmmm
- Oh deer
- Begich, Boggs Visitor Center
- Hmmmmm
- Moose Flats
- More droning
- Gloomy but gorgeous
- Vagabond Blues noms in Palmer
- Selfie on the Little Susitna
- Doesn’t look so little, does it?
- Paying dues at Hatcher Pass
- Out for a stroll to the Independence Mine site
- Selfie in the snow
- Who walks whom?
- Happy papa and kidlet
- Outbuildings at Independence Mine
- The view from the top
- Relaxing along the Coastal Trail
- Mosquito factory on the Coastal Trail
- Selfie on the Coastal Trail
- Selfie at the Winner Creek trailhead
- Selfie on the Winner Creek trail
- Very fun hand tram
- Lea enjoying the view from the hand tram (PC Stace)
- Capt. Rand and Jody on the crossing (PC Lea)
- One of the bridge crossings on the Winner Creek trail
- Huh? Who left behind this cigar?
- Is it magic?
- Don’t think so.
- Oooooh my goiter!
- Noms at the top of the tram
- View of Turnagain Arm from the top of the tram
- On the way back down looking for moose
- Catching the end of Lucy’s soccer game – adorbs
- Of course – V travelin’ again
- Food truck noms
- Just a cool pic in downtown Anc
- Live After Five
- Nice!
- Glacier Brewhouse noms
- An amazing trip to the Anchorage Museum
- Selfie at Eklutna Lake
- Ummmm…
- Luckily, Mindy and Twila were there to protect us
- Good friends with crazy dogs
- A must after a long, arduous hike
- Bruno enjoyed it too
- The Denali Cabin in Denali State Park – home for a few days
- Super cool interpretation at the park
- Gathering firewood
- More bear warnings
- The Interpretive Center at the park
- Demonstration hides – Bruno is interested
- Gathering water from the deep well
- Glamping at its finest!
- Getting ready for the day
- The wet, buggy (!) hike around Byers Lake
- Byers Lake
- Entrance to Denali National Park
- Selfie at the Visitor Center
- Very cool map
- A dinner spot – more glamping at its finest
- Bruno posing
- Midnight at the Denali lookout in the campground
- The fundamentals…
- …for smores!
- Left, right, center
- Our journal entry
- Last morning at the cabin
- Off on the Curry Ridge Trail
- Moose!
- Stace enjoying the view
- Awe…love daisies
- The Capt.
- Stace still enjoying the views
- This shot offers some scale
- A very large glacier across the valley
- Talkeetna pot shop
- On the shore of the Talkeetna River
- Noms at the Denali Brewing Company
- Ice cream!
- Poor color quality, but Denali is showing in the background
- A massive mountain
- Beautiful views on the drive back to the cabin
- Rand and Stace collecting kindling by the river, which is illegal, btw.
- Moose! (PC Stacy)
- Stace, Vanessa, and the Capt. getting ready to raft the Portage River (PC Lea)
- A bit windy at the put-in spot (PC Lea)
- Happy on the river (PC Vanessa)
- Waiting for the bore tide (it never came)
- The Turnagain Arm
- The dinner party
- Last night with Stace and Lea
- Last stroll along the Coastal Trail with Chris and Allison
- Last supper at Hearth
- The drop-off
- Ugh – the security line. Who knew so many people fly the red-eye?
Jumping for joy in the Denali State Park at the top of the Curry Ridge Trail. Notice, not one really good, synchronized jump – haha!
Time flew while we were in SD and Alaska, but we had one more stop to make before Thailand – San Francisco. It was yet another whirlwind, but so worth it to catch up with our family and buddies – but, again, bummed to miss a few. There was watching more World Cup footy, hiking, mountain biking, and bocce ball – and, of course, eating. Now we’re off to Thailand with the crews of S/Vs Adventurer and Danika. At the top of the things-to-do list is — wait for it — eating. Haha!
- McR and Rogaski’s back yard
- Warm hike in Los Altos
- Among the mighty oaks
- And poison oak (yow!)
- A view from the top
- A bit different from Alaska
- Oh, those oaks
- Old barn
- From bears to cats
- Indian noms – yum!
- Sunset
- A throwback from college graduation
- McR being a bad influence
- Sorry, Courtney!
- So good
- World Cup!!
- Admiring the grapes in McR’s garden
- Found a little Gumby on the street, so he’s going to Thailand
- A visit with Auntie and cousin, Cathy
- HH with Lorena and Stan
- A mountain biking adventure
- All the toys
- The map
- The crash
- We ended up at China Camp
- Gumby enjoyed the ride
- Selfie on the old pier
- The reward beer
- Peruvian grub
- Pinball at the coffee house
- Sammie visits Mill Valley
- Bocce!
- Amazing shot
- Love this girl
- Whiskey’s parting shot
So much fun! I smiled a lot looking through all these photos. Miss you two!
Awe! Miss you guys, too! Hope to reunite this winter. Enjoy the PNW and being the big, bad captain! Squeeze your girl for us!
What a trip! You guys are just super fun. Saw many familiar places in those Alaska pics.! Always feel relieved to know such unspoiled expanses exist. Looking forward to Thailand! Ride an elephant for me. Love you sweet kids!