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Great Value in a Protected Marina. Good Food Too.

mapMarkerGrey Great Value in a Protected Marina. Good Food Too....

Marina Mazatlan

Great Value in a Protected Marina. Good Food Too.

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Marina Mazatlan is a friendly, well-run marina with okay facilities and excellent off-season rates. There are always slips available during the season, and it typically only fills up as July approaches. Wifi is problematic at best (but improved as of fall 2021), and water can often be an issue. A number of excellent restaurants line the waterfront, along with two small markets and some noisy bars and clubs. The Fonatur yard and associated marine services are a short walk away. The Veggie Truck usually serves the marina several mornings per week, limiting the need to trek further for produce.


After entering the channel and passing El Cid marina on your right (south), the channel opens up a bit and splits. Going straight takes you to Marina Mazatlan and the Fonatur Yard. Depth is good, but watch out for the stray pilings if visibility is poor. If you are new to this channel entrance, please see the notes on the El Cid page.


This is a sprawling marina with numbered docks, and numbered slips, written on the power pedestals. See the photos for details.


The office is in the corner of the marina, directly behind Luka restaurant (new). The cruisers’ lounge and restrooms are behind the office, accessed via a door down the corridor to the left. There is a book exchange, and decent wifi here at the lounge, but the laundry has not been functional for at least 4 years.

Don’t Miss:

Cruiser’s Net at 8:00am on Channel 72 Mon-Sat. Get caught up on happenings in Mazatlan, and get help with sourcing parts for your current project. Advice is free, and delivered with…character.


UPDATED: Kinda. This has been a continuing source of frustration for arriving cruisers, looking to get connected. The wifi on the dock in mostly functional (as of Fall 2021), but the wifi is better in the lounge behind the office.


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