Dusty Town Built on a Bluff

mapMarkerGrey Dusty Town Built on a Bluff...

Punta Baja

Dusty Town Built on a Bluff

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While Punta Baja can offer welcome refuge from NW wind and swell, there is enough wrap around the point to often make beach landings, and therefore reprovisioning, a daunting task. Surfers can often find enough waves here to justify staying for a few days, but those same waves make the shore out of reach for most.


Other than the small shoals that extend from the point, and seasonal kelp beds, extending from the end of Punta Baja itself, the route into the bay is quite clear.


Most choose to anchor due south of the village ramp, dropping in 15-25 feet, outside the kelp, and taking care to stay out of the swell zone.


Have never been ashore due to swell, but there is a small expat surfing community here, and a thriving small-scale fishing scene. Basic services are available for those who make it in.

Don’t Miss:

Get out on your board if the surf is up. Also might be your best bet for getting ashore.


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