About Online Cruising Guide

A pet project covering the Virgin Islands since 2005, OCG 3.0 has blossomed into a network of bloggers and contributing boaters building a FREE community-supported resource for perusing, planning and sharing boating adventures. OCG is NOT a data-based navigation aid tool, but rather a real-time updated, growing and expanding collection of anchorages, marinas, villages and points of interest, giving you the inside scoop on the places you plan to visit, answering many of your questions and helping you decide where you’d like to go, and what to expect when you get there.

A major feature of OCG is the community of bloggers who’s stories add a rich tapestry of personal experience to the listings on the guide. Find a deeper level of information as you’re entertained and informed. Follow the cruisers you know and love, and discover new friends and technical resources. All wrapped up in an easily searched, well-organized and constantly updated platform. It’s what the boating world has been missing!

What’s In It For You?

There are a number of ways you can explore, use, and contribute to the Guide:

1) Planning and Lazy Wandering – Discover the hidden gems at the anchorages you know, and explore new places to take your boat and crew. Or become an armchair cruiser, knitting together a virtual voyage through the pages of the Guide.

2) Contribute to General Listings – Help us build the Guide into the definitive hub of information for boaters. Add listings for your favorite eateries and marine service providers, or that great beach you recently discovered. Comment on posts and review the existing listings to help us keep information current.

3) Contribute New Anchorages – Use the recommended OCG anchorage format to add to our growing database. Share your experience so the people coming after know what to expect, and can add your favorites to their voyage planning.

4) Become an OCG Blogger – Join our community of boating voyagers and weave your stories with theirs, adding value to the Guide, and bringing it alive! Your posts will have more exposure and context. You can start from scratch, or import your existing blog posts. Our admins will help get you started on an EASY platform with none of the technical hurdles that commonly hinder other blogging efforts. We make it simple!

Cruising Guide

Crowd-sourced, vetted, constantly updated details about the places you love.

Business/Service Directory

Information and reviews on the services you need to keep your life afloat.... afloat.

Blogging Community

A collection of independent voices giving insights and details that flesh out the guide.

User Comment & Reviews

Input from users at these locations give other users the most current information, and help us keep the guide up to date.

No More Outdated Guides!

Get the inside scoop from cruisers who were there... maybe yesterday!

Printed cruising guides are a great resource for cruisers, and have been for years. But too often the guides are out-of-date by the time they hit the shelves. A new marina gets built, an anchorage becomes private, a storm or real estate deal wipes out all the businesses on that favorite stretch of beach. The world moves to fast for printed guides to keep up.

OCG is a crowd-sourced, vetted guide to the anchorages and villages you're looking to explore. Blog posts tied to the listings give current details and paint a fuller picture. Reviews and comments help us keep things current.


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